Well Buddies

Well BuddiEs

Get well with your buddy


Maybe it is your spouse, friend, sibling, or co-worker? Someone who you want to enhance your relationship with while also creating a healthier and happier you!


The well buddy program has the whole you and buddy in-mind. The program is split into three parts to help you and your buddy thrive! This program is done with your buddy in a 6-week weekly program or 12-week bi-weekly program. 

 Part 1: Starts with a co-buddy coaching session. In this session, you will explore your own, and your buddy’s goals, values, and vision. Then you will leave with the well-buddy worksheet that will create exciting awareness of your own health & wellbeing and ways you and your buddy can support each other.

Part 2: Each you and your buddy will receive FOUR individual coaching sessions focused on the whole you health & wellbeing topic for that week.

Part 3: Consists of a final co-buddy coaching session, which will empower you and your buddy to maintain and develop powerful support tools to help you two continue your personal growth and development.

Recap: Two co-buddy Coaching Sessions, Four Individual Coaching Sessions, and the Well Buddy Guide Program! 


The Whole You session focus include:

Holistic health focus

Stress management

Physical health


Spiritual health/purpose

Cultivating balance and enhancing wellbeing.

Pricing– At Whole You Health we believe that coaching is for everyone. For the Well Buddies program, we have income-based pricing. 

Jamie has helped me separate my work life and home life.  I feel I now have the tools to leave work at work and have purpose at home.

Coaching has allowed me to overcome the hurdles and has given me the opportunity to live again.

It is cool to see behavior change come in a natural way to break bad habits… and discovering the importance of my purpose, which is a huge thing!..  Health coaching is not what I expected, but it was a wonderful experience.